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Honor Code

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Honor Code Empty Honor Code

Post  lier52 Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:14 pm

As a member of AksnipersClan, I understand that I must at ALL times abide by the Honor Code and will treat each member with dignity and respect; while gaming with its members and leaders. I will never attack another member.

I agree to never discriminate nor attack individuals with different ethnic backgrounds, race, age, gender, or place of origin. While I understand that moderate trash talk is allowed, however any references or personal attacks on individuals that are presented offensive or deemed inappropriate will not be tolerated.

At no time will I cheat in active clan matches or while playing with clan members. Any acts such as modding, bridging, standbying, team killing or manipulation of cheating in online ranked matches or clan events, may alter a ban from the community immediately and permanently black listed. I pledge to not purse in any act shape or form of cheating while remaining a member within the rank structure.

As a member of the Rank Structure I understand that I may not have any involvement with other gaming communities. If caught pursing activities as a member of a different gaming community, then I understand that I will be permanently removed from ASC's rank structure and website contents. However I understand that by signing up on a separate gaming community website is indeed acceptable, however, openly joining another community structure while in ASC's structure is strictly forbidden.

I understand that by agreeing to these terms that if I am to violate any of these rules that I may risk receiving a temporary removal, temporary ban, suspension, demotion, permanent removal, or even a permanent ban from the ALL contents of ASC.

New revisions or any restructure in the rules may be changed at our discretion at ANY and ALL times.

Posts : 158
Reputation : 16
Join date : 2011-10-31
Age : 26


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