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Major Ranks

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Major Ranks                  Empty Major Ranks

Post  lier52 Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:09 pm

Rank Structure


A Sniper is a leader of the community and holds the highest rank in the community. A Sniper has the right to promote or demote any Vector General as they seek and hold the highest superiority of any leader.

A Sniper's main job is to expand ASC to new opportunities and to ensure its future growth and stability.

For someone to be promoted to Sniper, it requires a majority vote from all current Snipers to agree on promoting a Vector General to Sniper.

Vector General

Vector Generals oversee their respective District. While still overseeing the Companies and Generals, they are provided to insure the well being of their members in there Vector.

Vector Generals are made available to assist the Generals with activities and are as well, their for advice within the District.

Vector Generals are identified by the initials "VG" at the end of the members gamertag (Ex. ASC Sample VG).


A Major is in command of a Brigade within a Vector. Having achieved the rank of Major, a Major will have numerous responsibilities within the Birgade to fulfill. Overseeing a Brigade, typically consisting of 3 Companies.

Majors insure the well being of their Birgade Members, holding meetings, game nights and keeps the Vector General updated with the Birgade status.

As a Major you are required to change your Gamertag to represent ASC with the prefix "ASC in your gamertag. Example: ASC Example."

2nd Lieutenant
A 2nd Lieutenant is in command of a company within a Brigade. Having achieved the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, a 2nd Lieutenant will have numerous responsibilities within the Company to fulfill. Overseeing a company, typically consisting of a minimum of 3 members.

2nd Lieutenants insure the well being of their Company Members, holding meetings, game nights and keeps the General updated with the Company status.

As a 2nd Lieutenant you are eligible, but NOT required, to change your Gamertag to represent ASC with the prefix "ASC in your gamertag. Example: ASC Example."

Company Member

The first real rank in the Rank Structure. The body of the Company are the Company Members. Free Agents are promoted to Company Member and are placed into a company as soon as a General recruits them into the Brigade.

Company Members are required to learn and respect the Honor Code, and Rank Structure.

Company Members are eligible to reach the rank of Captian after serving a minimum of 2 months in ASC and have a minimum of 3 members to create a new company in their respective Brigade.

As a Company Member you are NOT to change your Gamertag to represent ASC with the prefix "ASC in your gamertag. Example: ASC Example."

Posts : 158
Reputation : 16
Join date : 2011-10-31
Age : 26


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